
A helping hand towards optimal health

Clinical Supervision for Practitioners

Clinical supervision is an essential practice for ethical counsellors and therapists, as it allows for reflection on caseload and professional development. It provides a "healthy challenge" through self-reflection, ensuring that ethical decisions are being made within practice. Robust clinical supervision has been linked to increased job satisfaction.

The BACP Ethical Framework states that supervision is meant to "ensure standards, enhance quality, advance learning, stimulate creativity, and support the sustainability and resilience of the work being undertaken." It is important to choose a supervisor who is fully qualified and has relevant experience in counselling and psychotherapy to support you in your journey as a counsellor or therapist.

My Approach to Supervision

In my approach to supervision, I use the Seven Eyed Supervision Model, which is a process-oriented approach focused on the relationships between the client, therapist, and supervisor, as well as the wider context. This model examines seven aspects of the therapeutic process: the focus on the client, interventions, the client-therapist relationship, the therapeutic process, the therapist-supervisor relationship, the supervisor's process, and the wider context.

Focus on the client

Focus on interventions

Focus on the client-therapist relationship

Focus on the therapeutic process

Focus on the therapist – supervisor relationship

Focus on the supervisor’s process

Focus on the wider context

I have received extensive training and am able to offer online or telephone supervision.

Please contact me for more information about how I can support your Clinical Supervision needs, if you are a trainee or qualified therapist, I will work collaboratively with you to meet your ongoing supervision requirements.